The String
scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
link GraphQL Schema definition
1 scalar String
link Required by
- ActionFolderResultnull
- AddDefectsResultAdded Defects Result Type
- addDefectsToTestRunnull
- addDefectsToTestRunStepnull
- AddEvidenceResultAdd Evidence Result Type
- addEvidenceToTestRunnull
- addEvidenceToTestRunStepnull
- addIssuesToFoldernull
- AddPreconditionsResultAdd Preconditions Result type
- addPreconditionsToTestnull
- AddTestEnvironmentsResultAdd Test Environments Result type
- addTestEnvironmentsToTestExecutionnull
- AddTestExecutionsResultAdd Test Executions Result type
- addTestExecutionsToTestnull
- addTestExecutionsToTestPlannull
- AddTestPlansResultAdd Test Plans Result type
- addTestPlansToTestnull
- AddTestSetsResultAdd Test Sets Result type
- addTestSetsToTestnull
- AddTestsResultAdd Tests Result type
- addTestStepnull
- addTestsToFoldernull
- addTestsToPreconditionnull
- addTestsToTestExecutionnull
- addTestsToTestPlannull
- addTestsToTestSetnull
- AttachmentStep Attachment type
- AttachmentDataInputAttachment Data Input
- AttachmentInputAttachment input
- AttachmentOperationsInputAttachment Operations Input
- ChangesXray History Changes type
- CoverableIssuenull
- CoverableIssueResultsCoverable Issue Results type
- CoverageStatusnull
- createFoldernull
- createPreconditionnull
- CreatePreconditionResultCreate Precondition Response type
- CreateStepInputCreate Step input
- createTestnull
- createTestExecutionnull
- CreateTestExecutionResultCreate Test Execution Result type
- createTestPlannull
- CreateTestPlanResultCreate Test Plan Result type
- CreateTestResultCreate Test Result type
- createTestSetnull
- CreateTestSetResultCreate Test Set Result type
- CustomFieldInputCustom Field Input
- CustomStepFieldStep CustomField type
- CustomStepFieldInputStep Custom Field input
- deleteFoldernull
- deletePreconditionnull
- deleteTestnull
- deleteTestExecutionnull
- deleteTestPlannull
- deleteTestSetnull
- EvidenceEvidence Type
- ExampleExample Type
- ExpandedStepExpanded test step type
- ExpandedTestExpaded test issue type
- FolderTest Repository folder type.
- FolderResultsnull
- FolderSearchInputFolder Search input
- getCoverableIssuenull
- getCoverableIssuesnull
- getExpandedTestnull
- getExpandedTestsnull
- getFoldernull
- getPreconditionnull
- getPreconditionsnull
- getProjectSettingsnull
- getStatusnull
- getStepStatusnull
- getTestnull
- getTestExecutionnull
- getTestExecutionsnull
- getTestPlannull
- getTestPlansnull
- getTestRunnull
- getTestRunByIdnull
- getTestRunsnull
- getTestRunsByIdnull
- getTestsnull
- getTestSetnull
- getTestSetsnull
- IssueLinkTypeIssue Link Type type
- moveFoldernull
- Mutationnull
- PreconditionPrecondition issue type
- PreconditionFolderSearchInputFolder Search input
- ProjectSettingsProject Settings type
- ProjectSettingsTestCoverageProject Test Coverage Settings type
- ProjectSettingsTestRunCustomFieldProject Test Run Custom Field Settings type
- ProjectSettingsTestStepFieldProject Test Step Field Settings type
- ProjectSettingsTestTypeProject Test Type Settings type
- Querynull
- removeAllTestStepsnull
- removeDefectsFromTestRunnull
- removeDefectsFromTestRunStepnull
- RemoveDefectsResultRemove defects Result Type
- removeEvidenceFromTestRunnull
- removeEvidenceFromTestRunStepnull
- RemoveEvidenceResultRemove Evidence Result Type
- removeIssuesFromFoldernull
- removePreconditionsFromTestnull
- removeTestEnvironmentsFromTestExecutionnull
- removeTestExecutionsFromTestnull
- removeTestExecutionsFromTestPlannull
- removeTestPlansFromTestnull
- removeTestSetsFromTestnull
- removeTestsFromFoldernull
- removeTestsFromPreconditionnull
- removeTestsFromTestExecutionnull
- removeTestsFromTestPlannull
- removeTestsFromTestSetnull
- removeTestStepnull
- renameFoldernull
- resetTestRunnull
- ResultResult Type
- ResultsEmbeddingResults Embedding
- ResultsExampleResults Example Type
- ResultsStepResults Step
- setTestRunTimernull
- SimpleFolderResultsnull
- StatusStatus Type
- StepTest Step type
- StepStatusStep Status Type
- TestTest issue type
- TestExecutionTest Execution issue type
- TestPlanTest Plan issue type
- TestPlanResultsTest Plan Results type
- TestResultsTest Results type
- TestRunTest Run type
- TestRunCustomFieldValueCustom Fields Type
- TestRunCustomStepFieldStep CustomField type
- TestRunDefectOperationsInputTest Run Defect Operations Input
- TestRunEvidenceOperationsInputTest Run Evidence Operations Input
- TestRunIterationTest Run iteration type
- TestRunIterationStepResultTest Run iteration step result type
- TestRunParameterTest Run parameter type
- TestRunPreconditionTest Run Precondition type
- TestRunStepTest Run Step Type
- TestSetTest Set type
- TestStatusTypeTest Status Type
- TestTypeTest Type type
- TestTypeInputTest Type input
- TestVersionnull
- TestWithVersionInputTest with Version input
- updateGherkinTestDefinitionnull
- updateIterationStatusnull
- UpdateIterationStatusResultUpdate Test Run iteration status result type
- updatePreconditionnull
- updatePreconditionFoldernull
- UpdatePreconditionInputUpdate Precondition input
- UpdatePreconditionTypeInputPrecondition Type input
- UpdateStepInputUpdate Step input
- updateTestFoldernull
- updateTestRunnull
- updateTestRunCommentnull
- updateTestRunExampleStatusnull
- UpdateTestRunExampleStatusResultUpdate Test Run Example Status Result Type
- UpdateTestRunResultUpdate Test Run Result Type
- updateTestRunStatusnull
- updateTestRunStepnull
- updateTestRunStepCommentnull
- UpdateTestRunStepInputUpdate Test Run Step Input
- UpdateTestRunStepResultUpdate Test Run Step Result Type
- updateTestRunStepStatusnull
- UpdateTestRunStepStatusResultUpdate Test Run Step Status Result Type
- updateTestStepnull
- UpdateTestStepResultUpdate Test Step Results type
- updateTestTypenull
- UpdateTestTypeInputTest Type input
- updateUnstructuredTestDefinitionnull
- XrayHistoryEntryXray History Entry type
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __InputValueArguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.