
link GraphQL Schema definition

1type Query {
3# Returns the folder for the given projectId with the specified Path along with its child folders.
6# Arguments
7# projectId: the project id of the Folder.
8# testPlanId: the Test Plan id of the Folder.
9# path: the path of the Folder.
10getFolder(projectId: String, testPlanId: String, path: String!): FolderResults
12# Returns a Test by issueId.
15# Arguments
16# issueId: the id of the Test issue to be returned.
17getTest(issueId: String): Test
19# Returns multiple tests by jql, issue ids, project id or test type.
22# Arguments
23# jql: the jql that defines the search.
24# issueIds: the ids of the Test issues to be returned.
25# projectId: the id of the project of the Test issues to be returned.
26# testType: the Test Type of the Test issues to be returned.
27# modifiedSince: all tests modified after this date will be returned
28# limit: the maximum amount of Tests to be returned. The maximum is 100.
29# start: the index of the first item to return in the page of results (page offset).
30# folder: the folder information required to filter the Test issues to be returned.
31getTests(jql: String, issueIds: [String], projectId: String, testType: TestTypeInput, modifiedSince: String, limit: Int!, start: Int, folder: FolderSearchInput): TestResults
33# Returns a test (with the call test steps expanded) by issue id and version id.
35# Arguments
36# issueId: the id of the test issue to be returned.
37# versionId: the id of a Test version. If not given, will get the default Test version.
38getExpandedTest(issueId: String!, versionId: Int): ExpandedTest
40# Returns multiple tests (with the call test steps expanded) by jql, issue ids, project id or test type.
44# Arguments
45# jql: the jql that defines the search.
46# issueIds: the ids of the Test issues with default Test versions to be returned. Cannot be used with tests.
47# tests: the ids of the Test versions and Tests. If not given Test Version, will get the default Test version. Cannot be used with issueIds.
48# projectId: the id of the project of the Test issues to be returned.
49# testType: the Test Type of the Test issues to be returned.
50# modifiedSince: all tests modified after this date will be returned
51# limit: the maximum amount of Tests to be returned. The maximum is 100.
52# start: the index of the first item to return in the page of results (page offset).
53# folder: the folder information required to filter the Test issues to be returned.
55jql: String,
56issueIds: [String],
57tests: [TestWithVersionInput],
58projectId: String,
59testType: TestTypeInput,
60modifiedSince: String,
61limit: Int!,
62start: Int,
63folder: FolderSearchInput
64): ExpandedTestResults
66# Returns a Coverable Issue by issueId.
69# Arguments
70# issueId: the id of the Coverable Issue to be returned.
71getCoverableIssue(issueId: String!): CoverableIssue
73# Returns multiple coverable issues by jql or issue ids.
75# Arguments
76# jql: the jql that defines the search.
77# issueIds: the ids of the Coverable Issues to be returned.
78# limit: the maximum amount of Tests to be returned. The maximum is 100.
79# start: the index of the first item to return in the page of results (page offset).
80getCoverableIssues(jql: String, issueIds: [String], limit: Int!, start: Int): CoverableIssueResults
82# Returns a Precondition by issue id.
85# Arguments
86# issueId: the issue id of the Precondition to be returned.
87getPrecondition(issueId: String): Precondition
89# Returns multiple Preconditions by jql, issueIds, projectId or Precondition Type.
92# Arguments
93# jql: the jql that defines the search.
94# issueIds: the ids of the Precondition issues to be returned.
95# projectId: the id of the project of the Precondition issues to be returned.
96# preconditionType: the Precondition Type of the Precondition issues to be returned.
97# limit: the maximum amount of Preconditions to be returned. The maximum is 100.
98# start: the index of the first item to return in the page of results (page offset).
99# modifiedSince: all Preconditions modified after this date will be returned
100# folder: the folder information required to filter the Test issues to be returned.
102jql: String,
103issueIds: [String],
104projectId: String,
105preconditionType: TestTypeInput,
106limit: Int!,
107start: Int,
108modifiedSince: String,
109folder: PreconditionFolderSearchInput
110): PreconditionResults
112# Returns a Test Set by issueId
115# Arguments
116# issueId: the id of the Test Set issue to be returned.
117getTestSet(issueId: String): TestSet
119# Returns multiple Test Sets by jql, issueIds or projectId.
122# Arguments
123# jql: the jql that defines the search.
124# issueIds: the ids of the Test Set issues to be returned.
125# projectId: the id of the project of the Test Set issues to be returned.
126# limit: the maximum amount of Test Sets to be returned. The maximum is 100.
127# start: the index of the first item to return in the page of results (page offset).
128# modifiedSince: all test sets modified after this date will be returned
129getTestSets(jql: String, issueIds: [String], projectId: String, limit: Int!, start: Int, modifiedSince: String): TestSetResults
131# Returns a Test Plan by issue id.
134# Arguments
135# issueId: the issue id of the Test Plan issue to be returned.
136getTestPlan(issueId: String): TestPlan
138# Returns multiple Test Plans by jql, issue ids or project id.
141# Arguments
142# jql: the jql that defines the search.
143# issueIds: the ids of the Test Plan issues to be returned.
144# projectId: the id of the project of the Test Plan issues to be returned.
145# limit: the maximum amount of Test Plans to be returned. The maximum is 100.
146# start: the index of the first item to return in the page of results (page offset).
147# modifiedSince: all Test Plans modified after this date will be returned
148getTestPlans(jql: String, issueIds: [String], projectId: String, limit: Int!, start: Int, modifiedSince: String): TestPlanResults
150# Returns a Test Execution by issue id.
153# Arguments
154# issueId: the id of the Test Execution issue to be returned.
155getTestExecution(issueId: String): TestExecution
157# Returns multiple Test Executions by jql, issue ids or project id.
160# Arguments
161# jql: the jql that defines the search.
162# issueIds: the ids of the Test Executions issues to be returned.
163# projectId: the id of the project of the Test Execution issues to be returned.
164# limit: the maximum amount of Test Executions to be returned. The maximum is 100.
165# start: the index of the first item to return in the page of results (page offset).
166# modifiedSince: all Test Executions modified after this date will be returned
167getTestExecutions(jql: String, issueIds: [String], projectId: String, limit: Int!, start: Int, modifiedSince: String): TestExecutionResults
169# Returns a Test Run by Test issue id and Test Execution issue id.
171# Arguments
172# testIssueId: the issue id of the Test of the Test Run.
173# testExecIssueId: the issue id of the Test Execution of the Test Run.
174getTestRun(testIssueId: String, testExecIssueId: String): TestRun
176# Returns a Test Run by id.
178# Arguments
179# id: the id of the Test Run.
180getTestRunById(id: String): TestRun
182# Returns multiple Test Runs testIssueIds and/or testExecIssueIds.
185# Arguments
186# testIssueIds: the issue ids of the Test of the Test Runs.
187# testExecIssueIds: the issue ids of the Test Execution of the Test Runs.
188# testRunAssignees: the user account ids of the assignee of the Test Runs.
189# limit: the maximum amount of Test Runs to be returned. The maximum is 100.
190# start: the index of the first item to return in the page of results (page offset).
191# modifiedSince: all TestRuns modified after this date will be returned
192getTestRuns(testIssueIds: [String], testExecIssueIds: [String], testRunAssignees: [String], limit: Int!, start: Int, modifiedSince: String): TestRunResults
194# Returns multiple Test Runs by id.
196# Arguments
197# ids: the ids of the Test Runs.
198# limit: the maximum amount of Test Runs to be returned. The maximum is 100.
199# start: the index of the first item to return in the page of results (page offset).
200getTestRunsById(ids: [String], limit: Int!, start: Int): TestRunResults
202# Returns a Status by Test Run Step Status name.
204# Arguments
205# name: the status name of test run step status
206getStepStatus(name: String): StepStatus
208# Returns a Status by Test Run Status name.
210# Arguments
211# name: the status name of Test Run Status
212getStatus(name: String): Status
214# Returns all Test Run Status.
215getStatuses: [Status]
217# Returns all Test Run Step Status.
218getStepStatuses: [StepStatus]
220# Returns the Project Settings of a Project.
222# Arguments
223# projectIdOrKey: Project Id
224getProjectSettings(projectIdOrKey: String): ProjectSettings
226# Returns the Issue Link Types
227getIssueLinkTypes: [IssueLinkType]